As I was evaluating who I had become, I realized that I had to have time to heal. I hadn't set limits and as a result I started to gain weight and had no one to blame other than myself, so I knew I had to change something.
I had fooled myself into thinking that I had only gained about 10 kilos and just didn't want to face the fact that it had gotten to the point that it was affecting my health, my happiness, and my self-esteem.
One day I woke up, looked at myself in the mirror and said to myself: “No more! No more excuses!"
So that day I really changed my life and, in many ways, I changed who I was. I focused on establishing a completely different daily routine. And it wasn't just my eating habits and exercise, but I decided that my life needed a focus. I needed to have a challenge that would excite me. And I needed discipline in my daily life.
I started by establishing an exercise schedule 6 days a week. I set strict limits on my diet. I found a great coach who helped me develop an exercise program. I decided to follow my passion for entrepreneurship and started a business that fit perfectly with my new life; Using my contacts and experiences, I decided to create a new line of women's sportswear that would address all of the things that I felt were wrong with sportswear - VIGOSA!
While VIGOSA was being created, I was experiencing a rebirth in my own soul. I had not only found a new body and lifestyle, but a true purpose for my life. In no time, I was full of vitality, energy and love, for myself and for others.
It was like I was a new person. I woke up every morning, excited for the new day ahead and to see the progress I made with VIGOSA. It was no longer a chore to work through my daily routine, it was something I looked forward to. I was overcoming the challenges that I had set for myself and I felt like a new person with a real purpose in my life.
While it was difficult to start down the road, once I focused on creating and maintaining new habits, everything fell into place and today I am with only 5 extra kilos working hard to be healthy.
I am proud to have created VIGOSA and I love to wear my brand daily. I am happier than ever and love my new lifestyle!
This is what I learned and what I want to share: The strength to transform ourselves is within us, start by loving yourself and the rest will follow!
Javi ♥